Show went great, thanks for all coming out on a rainy day. Enjoyed Vienna and the project! So glad to meet my Fulbright colleagues.
It's a wrap!
The last fragments are out! Lots of documentation left, before the show opens on Thursday April 26, at Raum D in the musuemsquartier.
Also had a great time at the Fulbright seminar in Strobl. And the project got coverage by at home!
A new fragment is out. The gnome doorknocker and soem of them are now available in the micromuseum vending machines at streetart passage.
And a side hustle alert, we extended our iheart project to iheart wien, #iheartwien is @iheartwien.
The beasts are loose, first sculptures are out! Check the map often, as it will keep growing.
If you are in Vienna, please let me cordially inovuite you to my show on April 26, 2018. I will give an artist talk at 6pm to the Fulbright alumni at 6pm and the reception will start thereafter. Light refreshments will be served (Thx Fulbright!).
Found this isnanely pink filament at conrad. Will stick out excellent when placed. Also found some great new objects.
That doodr knocker is on a much larger gate hidden in plain sight at Huetteldorfer Strasse. Photgrammetry is hard work!
Loads of wandering around to find suitable subjects. Easter market opens! First prints. They look sharp. Really happy that the
photgrammetry software is giving us this detail.
Fulbrighters are cooking for the ones in need at Gruft in Mariahilferstrasse. Schinkenfleckerl!
First scans are on the way. Photogrammetery rules! Verborgene Schaetze, here we come.
Conceputally Walter Benjamin's "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" is still somewhat timely.
After settling in we went to Barcelona, to present at the Design Principles and Practices conference in Barcelona.
We presented a poster on skin d.e.e.p., great conversations, and our talk on in silico et in situ, icnluding what we are planning
on doing in Vienna. Overall, great conference, great conversations met awesome people. Also the printer is up and running!
P.S.: A 3D printed bar! Yes! Thx to Marty!
Fulbright one the way! Why is it so cold? And snow? But, got my studio: Künstlerstudio 802 @ museumsquartier. Say hello if you are in the area.